I. The County Council will hold a Legislative Work Session at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 21, 2013 in the Banneker Room, Howard Building, 3430 Courthouse Drive, Ellicott City A. Council Bill No. 8-2013 - Establishing a Watershed Protection and Restoration fund as a dedicated, non-lapsing, enterprise fund; specifying the purposes of the fund and allowing certain revenue to be deposited into the fund; allowing the fund to be used for certain purposes; establishing a Watershed Protection and Restoration Fee; establishing the method, frequency and enforcement of the collection of the Fee; setting forth certain provisions specific to particular types of properties; creating a certain credit and reimbursement program to adjust the amount of the Fee that certain properties will pay; allowing for certain adjustments; allowing for a certain Assistance Program; allowing certain appeals; authorizing the adoption of certain regulations; defining certain terms; amending certain definitions; providing for certain enforcement; and generally relating to the Watershed Protection and Restoration Program in Howard County B. Council Resolution No. 21-2013 - Approving schedules for various charges related to the Watershed Protection and Restoration Fee including the impervious unit rate and the amounts for certain credit, reimbursement and assistance programs C. Council Bill No. 11-2013 - Pursuant to Section 612 of the Howard County Charter, approving a multi-year agreement between Howard County, Maryland and Grant Capital Management, Inc., a Maryland corporation, where Grant Capital will finance the acquisition of certain equipment including, without limitation, Fire Department apparatus, furniture, library books and computers through a Tax-Exempt Master Equipment Lease-Purchase Agreement