
  • Legislation Text
  • Amendments
  • Details
  • Dates
  • Motions/Votes
  • Related Documents

Legislation Text

Document Name Version
CB62-2019 As Introduced
CB62-2019 Final (Amended)


Document Name
Amendment 2
Amendment 3
Amendment 5
Amendment 11
Amendment 1
Amendment 6
Amendment 7
Amendment 9
Amendment 10
Amendment 12
Amendment 13
Amendment 4
Amendment 1 to Amendment 1
Amendment 1 to Amendment 4
Amendment 1 to Amendment 7
Amendments signed
  • Primary Sponsor(s): The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
  • Secondary Sponsor(s): Liz Walsh, Opel Jones, Christiana Mercer Rigby, Deb Jung
  • Legislation Category: General
  • Legislation Status: Passed as Amended
  • Date of Final Consideration: 12/2/2019
  • Executive Date Signed/Enacted: 12/6/2019
  • Legislation Effective: 2/5/2020


Date Session Action
12/2/2019 Legislative Session Passed as Amended
11/22/2019 Legislative Work Session
11/18/2019 Legislative Public Hearing
11/4/2019 Legislative Session Introduced



To view the votes associated with the motion and/or amendment, please click the arrow on the left side next to the motion and/or amendment that you wish to view voting information for


Related Documents

Document Name
written testimony 10.28
Admin Testimony
written testimony 11.12-1.18
public hearing testimony
written testimony 11.18-11.21
FC Reports 2013-2018 analysis
Forest Conservation Enforcement Actin FY18-FY20
written testimony 11.25-12.2