
  • Legislation Text
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Legislation Text

Document Name Version
CR22-2024 As Introduced
CR22-2024 FINAL Final


There were no amendments found for the current legislation item.

  • Primary Sponsor(s): Liz Walsh
  • Legislation Category: General
  • Legislation Status: Failed


Date Session Action
3/4/2024 Legislative Session
2/5/2024 Legislative Session Failed



To view the votes associated with the motion and/or amendment, please click the arrow on the left side next to the motion and/or amendment that you wish to view voting information for


Related Documents

Document Name
H.RES 786
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Vanhollen, Durbin, Kaine, Schatz and Colleagues Discussion
Council Member Liz Walsh Statement - 02.05.24
Executive Correspondence - 02.05.24
Executive Correspondence Response - 02.05.24
Executive Correspondence Draft Letter - 02.05.24
Public Testimony - February 1
Public Testimony - February 2
Public Testimony - February 3 - 5
Public Testimony - February 6 - 13
Public Testimony - January 25 - 30
Public Testimony - January 31