CR86-2014 |
Appointment - Mental Health Authority - Aziz |
CR97-2014 |
Appointment - Public Ethics Commission - Fuller |
CR98-2014 |
Appointment - Goraya - Board of Directors of the Revenue Authority. |
CR99-2014 |
Appointment - Human Rights Commission - Guarnieri |
CR100-2014 |
Appointment - Harris - Board of Directors of the Economic Development Authority. |
CR101-2014 |
Appointment - Hussein - Board of Health. |
CR102-2014 |
Appointment - Kraus - Commission for Veterans and Military Families. |
CR103-2014 |
Appointment - Public Ethics Commission - Kromm |
CR104-2014 |
Appointment - Adult Public Guardianship Review Board - Leon-Guerrero |
CR105-2014 |
Appointment - Marriner - Board of Directors of the Economic Development Authority. |
CR106-2014 |
Appointment - Matthews - Board of Directors of the Economic Development Authority. |
CR107-2014 |
Appointment - Board of Social Services - Morton |
CR108-2014 |
Appointment - Rizvi - Equal Business Opportunity Commission. |
CR109-2014 |
Appointment - Commission for Women - Rizvi |
CR110-2014 |
Resolution - Appointing Drew Roth to the Historic District Commission |
CR111-2014 |
Appointment - Snelgrove - Board of Directors - Economic Development Authority. |
CR112-2014 |
Appointment - Stone - Board of Directors - Economic Development Authority. |
CR113-2014 |
Amending Howard County Council Rules of Procedure to ensure that the prefile deadline will not fall on the day before a County Government holiday. |
CR114-2014 |
PILOT - Park View at Ellicott City |
CR115-2014 |
Appointment - Gaetano - Alcoholic Beverage Hearing Board. |
CR116-2014 |
Appointment - Chang - Human Rights Commission. |
CR117-2014 |
Appointment - Kessler - Human Rights Commission. |
CR118-2014 |
Reappointment - Lederer - Board of Appeals - term ending on December 31, 2019. |
CR119-2014 |
Endorsing MEDAAF financing for an economic development project - Coastal Acquisition - Whiskey Bottom Road and Bollman Place. |
CR120-2014 |
A RESOLUTION requesting the Columbia Downtown Housing Corporation to consider whether legislative changes are necessary and appropriate to ensure that the Downtown Columbia Plan’s vision for a full spectrum of affordable housing can be achieved and to recommend any changes believed necessary and appropriate to the County Council and County Executive |
CR121-2014 |
Refunding economic development bond - Glenelg Country School. |
CR122-2014 |
Approving Board of Education Capital Budget Request for FY2016 and Capital Improvement Program Request for FY2017-FY2021 for the purpose of submission to the Interagency Committee on School Construction. |
CB37-2014 |
Food and beverage sales on County property |
CB49-2014 |
Pictometry services - multi-year Agreement with Pictometry International Corporation |
CB50-2014 |
Establishing Help To Others (H2O) Round-Up Program to assist needy residential customers with utility service charges. |
CB51-2014 |
Police and Fire Employees’ Retirement Plan - DROP II |
CB52-2014 |
Multi-year Energy Performance Contract with Energy Systems Group for energy efficiency guaranteed savings program at County facilities. |
CB53-2014 |
Multi-year Solar Power & Services Agreement with Bith Energy, Inc., for a canopy mounted solar photovoltaic array to power two electric vehicle charging stations. |
SAO1-FY2015 |
Grant - Department of Corrections - $5,000 - to assist inmates with reentry into the community. |