SAO5-FY2015 |
Grant - Electric Bus |
SAO6-FY2015 |
Supplemental Appropriation - Snow Removal. |
CR3-2015 |
Appointment - Commission on Aging - Boyter |
CR4-2015 |
Appointment - Advisory Board on Consumer Affairs - Bussey |
CR5-2015 |
Appointment - Commission on Disability Issues - Czarnecki |
CR6-2015 |
Appointment - Public Ethics Commission - Drielak |
CR7-2015 |
Appointment - Environmental Sustainability Board - Paxton |
CR8-2015 |
Appointment - Historic Preservation Commission - Reich |
CR9-2015 |
Reappointment - ADAAB - Adetula |
CR10-2015 |
Reappointment - ADAAB- Bergin |
CR11-2015 |
Reappointment- Board to Promote Self-Sufficiency - O'Leary |
CR12-2015 |
Reappointment - Board to Promote Self-Sufficiency - Poole |
CR13-2015 |
Reappointment - Animal Matters Hearing Board - Ruck |
CR14-2015 |
Reappointment - ADAAB -Scornaienchi |
CR15-2015 |
Setting non-standard legislative session dates. |
CR16-2015 |
Police Department's Citizens Advisory Council to establish a Committee on Community Policing. |
CR17-2015 |
Grant - National Disaster Resilience Competition |
CR18-2015 |
Appointment - EDA - Collins |
CR19-2015 |
Appointment - Commission on Aging - Horan |
CR20-2015 |
Appointment - ADAAB - VanBlarcum |
CR21-2015 |
Reappointment - Commission on Aging - Vogel |
CR22-2015 |
Council Rules of Procedure - how amendments are indicated in the Council Journal. |
CR23-2015 |
Nominees for Howard County Supervisor of Assessments. |
CB3-2015 |
Office of Environmental Sustainability |
CB4-2015 |
Office of Human Rights - Reorganization |
CB5-2015 |
Public Ethics Law - tweaks requested by the Ethics Commission |
CB6-2015 |
AN ACT clarifying that the Department of Planning and Zoning is required to send their technical staff reports for any petitions considered by the Zoning Board, County Council, Planning Board, Hearing Examiner, or Board of Appeals to the appropriate decision making body and the general public at least two weeks prior to the required public hearing or meeting |
CB7-2015 |
Refunding Bonds - General Obligation and Metropolitan District |
CB8-2015 |
Prohibiting certain weapons in certain County buildings. |
CB9-2015 |
Adopting 2014 National Electrical Code with amendments. |
CB10-2015 |
Adopting 2015 International Building Code, the International Residential Code, the International Mechanical Code, and the International Energy Conservation Code. |
CB11-2015 |
Installment Purchase Agreement to have the property at 14651 Viburnum Drive, Dayton, Howard County, Maryland, entered into the County's agricultural land preservation program. |
CB12-2015 |
Installment Purchase Agreement to have the property at 15325 Leondina Drive, Glenwood, Howard County, Maryland, entered into the County's agricultural land preservation program. |
CB13-2015 |
Approving payroll processing contract with ADP. |