SAO7-FY2015 |
Grant - Public Works - Flood warning system. |
SAO8-FY2015 |
Connect-A-Ride Grant |
CR24-2015 |
Appointment -Board to Promote Self-Sufficiency - Banks |
CR25-2015 |
Appointment - Agricultural Preservation - Brown |
CR26-2015 |
Appointment - Veterans and Military Families - Buckley |
CR27-2015 |
Appointment- Public Transportation Board- Giles |
CR28-2015 |
Appointment - Commission for Veterans and Military Families - Gillette |
CR29-2015 |
Appointment - Local Children's Board - Hartman |
CR30-2015 |
Appointment - Historic Preservation Commission - Knudsen |
CR31-2015 |
Appointment - Cemetery Preservation Advisory Board - Moore |
CR32-2015 |
Appointment - Board of Health - Rivkin |
CR33-2015 |
Appointment - Historic Preservation Commission - Zoren |
CR34-2015 |
Reappointment - Environmental Sustainability Board - Chang |
CR35-2015 |
Reappointment - Personnel Board - Chon |
CR36-2015 |
Reappointment - Environmental Sustainability Board - Eacker |
CR37-2015 |
Reappointment - Commission on Aging- Fleischmann |
CR38-2015 |
Reappointment - Advisory Board on Consumer Affairs - Hood |
CR39-2015 |
Reappointment - EBOC - Rizvi |
CR40-2015 |
Special Events Recycling - Solid Waste Management Plan |
CR41-2015 |
Designating the Department of Police as the unit to receive records from secondhand precious metal dealers and pawnbrokers. |
CR42-2015 |
Community Legal Project - Financing |
CR43-2015 |
Annual Action Plan - Housing and Community Development |
CR44-2015 |
Endorsing financing DBED for economic development projects and certifying that the projects are consistent with the economic development plan. |
CB4-2015 |
Office of Human Rights - Reorganization |
CB14-2015 |
Agricultural Preservation - Winstead Road, Woodstock |
CB15-2015 |
Recycling Services for Special Events |