• Summary
  • Associated Legislation
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  • Session Title: Legislative Session - May
  • Session Type: Legislative Session
  • Session Description: Legislative Session - May (including regular legislation and budget legislation)
  • Session Date: 05/01/2017 07:00 PM
  • Session Location: George Howard Building
  • Registration Start: 4/21/2017 12:00:00 AM
  • Registration End: 4/21/2017 12:00:00 AM
Legislation Number Legislation Title
CR104-2016 Flier Building - sale.
CR179-2016 A RESOLUTION calling on the Maryland Department of Education to contract for a performance audit of the Howard County Public School System
SAO4-FY2017 Snow removal - Supplemental appropriation.
CR35-2017 Forest Avenue - road closure.
CR36-2017 Appointment - Aghera - Human Rights Commission.
CR37-2017 Appointment - Garcia - Human Rights Commission.
CR38-2017 Appointment - Kaiss - Agricultural Land Preservation Board.
CR39-2017 Appointment - Melton - Planning Board.
CR40-2017 Appointment - Song - Commission on Aging.
CR41-2017 Reappointment - Asher - Commission on Aging.
CR42-2017 Reappointment - Brunner - Commission on Aging.
CR43-2017 Reappointment - Greenfield - Board of Electrical Examiners.
CR44-2017 Reappointment - Mattis - Commission on Aging.
CR45-2017 Reappointment - McLeod - Advisory Board on Consumer Protection.
CR46-2017 Reappointment - Morse - Commission on Aging.
CR47-2017 Reappointment - Morton - Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission.
CR48-2017 Reappointment - Quan - Public Transportation Board.
CR49-2017 Reappointment - Snyder - Board of Electrical Examiners.
CR50-2017 Reappointment - Summerson - Public Works Board.
CR51-2017 Reappointment - Tracy - Recreation and Parks Board.
CR52-2017 Annual Action Plan for housing and community services.
CR53-2017 Reappointment - Moss - Adult Public Guardianship Review Board.
CR54-2017 Board of Education - categorical budget transfers - FY 2017.
CR55-2017 Capital Program FY2019 to 2023 and Extended Capital Program FY2024 to 2027.
CR56-2017 HCC - operating budget - FY 2018.
CR57-2017 Howard County Library System - budget - FY 2018.
CR58-2017 Board of Education - operating budget - FY 2018.
CR59-2017 Health Department - budget - FY 2018.
CR60-2017 Metropolitan District - charges - water and sewer service and shared sewage disposal facilities.
CR61-2017 Public Works - fee schedule - FY 2018.
CR62-2017 Inspections, Licenses and Permits - fee schedule - FY 2018.
CR63-2017 Planning and Zoning - fee schedule - FY 2018.
CR64-2017 Police -fee schedule - FY 2018.
CR65-2017 A RESOLUTION approving miscellaneous fees and charges
CR66-2017 A RESOLUTION setting the FY 2018 admissions and amusements tax rate
CR67-2017 RESOLUTION establishing the FY 2018 recordation tax rate with the Clerk of the Circuit Court
CR68-2017 RESOLUTION setting the FY 2018 Building Excise Tax Rate
CR69-2017 RESOLUTION setting the FY 2018 Fire and Rescue Tax Rate
CR70-2017 RESOLUTION setting the FY 2018 Property Tax Rate
CR71-2017 RESOLUTION setting the MIHU fee-in-lieu rate
CB1-2017 Fire Code - requirements related to hazardous substances.
CB20-2017 Amending the qualifications, duties, and powers of the Administrator of the Office of Transportation; adding the Office of Transportation to the Subdivision Review Committee
CB25-2017 PlanHoward 2030 - housing allocations chart - Downtown Columbia.
CB26-2017 Wireless facilities - public street lights - permit.
CB27-2017 Lease extension - 3300 North Ridge Road, Suite 240, Ellicott City.
CB28-2017 Zoning Regulations - Cottage Food Business - Home Occupation.
CB29-2017 Business Rural Crossroads (BRX) zoning district - removal.
CB30-2017 County Executive - County Council - Citizens’ Election Fund system.
CB31-2017 Zoning Regulations R-20 Zoning District - Conditional Use - Instructional School.
CB32-2017 Zoning Regulations - Neighborhood Preservation sending parcel - Conditional Use for Historic Building Uses.
CB33-2017 Property tax credit - Renovated, Upgraded, or Rehabilitated Property Adjacent to Route 1 - extension.
CB34-2017 Property tax credit - high performance buildings - extension.
CB35-2017 Lease for office space from PR FPR North Ridge, LLC, - 2850 North Ridge Road, Ellicott City.
CB36-2017 Lease for helicopter facility from Anne Arundel County Tipton Airport Authority.
CB37-2017 Pay Plan for Howard County.
CB38-2017 Classification Plan for Howard County.
CB39-2017 Pay Plan - starting rates of pay, amending certain titles, etc.
CB40-2017 Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance - FY 2018.
CB41-2017 Bond authorization - county capital projects FY 2018.
CB42-2017 Bond authorization - water and sewer projects - FY2018.
CB43-2017 Bond authorization - road construction projects - FY2018.
CB44-2017 Bond authorization - education capital projects - FY 2018.
CB45-2017 Bond authorization - environmental services fund projects - FY 2018.
CB46-2017 Bond authorization - watershed protection and restoration projects - FY 2018.
CB47-2017 Agricultural Preservation - authority to purchase development rights - FY 2018.
CB48-2017 Capital equipment lease agreements - authority to use.

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