• Summary
  • Associated Legislation
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  • Session Title: Legislative Session - January
  • Session Type: Legislative Session
  • Session Description: Legislative Session - January
  • Session Date: 01/02/2018 07:00 PM
  • Session Location: George Howard Building
  • Registration Start: 12/22/2017 12:00:00 AM
  • Registration End: 12/22/2017 12:00:00 AM
Legislation Number Legislation Title
CR104-2016 Flier Building - sale.
CR179-2016 A RESOLUTION calling on the Maryland Department of Education to contract for a performance audit of the Howard County Public School System
CR1-2017 Road Closure - Winter Thicket Road.
CR112-2017 A RESOLUTION amending the green neighborhood standards that are used to qualify for Green Neighborhood Allocations and amending the total number of possible points on the Green Neighborhood Checklist
CR149-2017 County Council - Rules of Procedure - Tax Increment Financing.
CB80-2017 ZRA - B-1 - Hotel or Motel redefined to allow extended stays.
TAO1-FY2018 State Grant - Road Resurfacing - $742,000 - H2014.
TAO2-FY2018 Budget transfer from from Project E1031, Wilde Lake MS Replacement, to Project E1043, Talbott Springs ES Renovation.
CR1-2018 Reappointment - Nancy A. Briguglio to the Equal Business Opportunity Commission
CR2-2018 Reappointment - Samuel P. Buma to the Plumbing Advisory Board
CR3-2018 Reappointment - Christine E. Conn to the Environmental Sustainability Board
CR4-2018 Reappointment - Elliott Finkelstein to the Commission on Disability Issues
CR5-2018 Reappointment - Lawyer - Personnel Board.
CR6-2018 Reappointment - Lea - Commission on Disability Issues.
CR7-2018 Reappointment - Strozyk - Environmental Sustainability Board.
CR8-2018 Charter Amendment - life of bills.
CR9-2018 County Council - non-standard dates for sessions.
CR10-2018 Howard County Council Rules of Procedure - testimony, withdrawals, teleconference, sign-up system, bill form, etc.
CR11-2018 2800 Nixon’s Farm Lane, LLC - Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreement.
CR12-2018 Purchasing Manual - Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise Program.
CR13-2018 Easement - Open Space Lot 18 - Guilford Highland Reserve Homeowners Association.
CB1-2018 Revising the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance - APFO.
CB2-2018 AN ACT amending PlanHoward 2030, to reduce the number of allocations in the Growth and Revitalization category and to increase the number of allocations in the Established Communities category.
CB3-2018 AN ACT - establishing the annual salary of the members of the Howard County Council beginning in December 2018
CB4-2018 AN ACT - establishing the annual salary of the County Executive beginning in December 2018
CB5-2018 Property tax - credit - public safety officers (Ball).
CB6-2018 Bond sale authorization - $750,000 - E1043 Talbott Springs ES renovation.
CB7-2018 Property Tax - credit - public safety officers (Administration).
CB8-2018 Purchasing - Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise Program.

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