CR93-2013 |
Appointment - Catlin - Commission on Aging |
CR94-2013 |
Appointment - Daugherty - Local Children’s Board |
CR95-2013 |
Appointment - Franklin - Recreation and Parks Board |
CR96-2013 |
Appointment - Gabie - Board of Social Services |
CR97-2013 |
Appointment - Gaunt - Animal Matters Hearing Board. |
CR98-2013 |
Appointment - Hyde - Human Rights Commission |
CR99-2013 |
Appointment - Miller - Board of Directors of the Revenue Authority |
CR100-2013 |
Appointment - Patrick - Agricultural Land Preservation Board |
CR102-2013 |
Appointment - Ritchey - Animal Matters Hearing Board |
CR103-2013 |
Appointment - Siddiqui - Animal Matters Hearing Board |
CR104-2013 |
Reappointment - Beckham - Board of Directors of the Revenue Authority |
CR105-2013 |
Reappointment - Branch - Commission for Veterans and Military Families |
CR106-2013 |
Reappointment - Currie - Board of Social Services |
CR107-2013 |
Reappointment - Frekot - Recreation and Parks Board |
CR108-2013 |
Reappointment - Goodman - Recreation and Parks Board |
CR109-2013 |
Reappointment - Herbert - Commission for Veterans and Military Families |
CR110-2013 |
Reappointment - Kan - Commission for Women |
CR111-2013 |
Reappointment - Kennedy - Housing Commission |
CR112-2013 |
Reappointment - Putman - Board of Social Services |
CR113-2013 |
Reappointment - Schuckman - Board of Social Services |
CR114-2013 |
Reappointment - Ward - Economic Development Authority |
CR115-2013 |
Slope stabilization - College Ave - waiver of competitive bidding |
CR116-2013 |
Base Realignment and Closure Revitalization and Incentive Zone - expansion - Boise Cascade site |
CR117-2013 |
Dorsey Run Road - right-of-way - 0.841 acres - surplus |
CR118-2013 |
POW/MIA flag - at certain locations and on certain dates |
CR119-2013 |
Deep Falls Apartments - approving the affordable housing development |
CR120-2013 |
Deep Falls Apartments - Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreement |
CR121-2013 |
Green Neighborhood Allocation, Building Permit and Use and Occupancy Permit - alternative standards |
CR122-2013 |
Appointment - Adejumo - Human Rights Commission |
CR123-2013 |
Appointment - Bennett - Cemetery Preservation Advisory Board |
CR124-2013 |
Reappointment - Carlson - Board of Health |
CR125-2013 |
Appointment - Diggs - Board of Social Services |
CR126-2013 |
Appointment - Dorsey - Cemetery Preservation Advisory Board |
CR127-2013 |
Appointment - Elicker - Environmental Sustainability Board |
CR128-2013 |
Reappointment - MacPhee - Housing Commission |
CR129-2013 |
Appointment – Plitt - Cemetery Preservation Advisory Board |
CR130-2013 |
Reappointment -- Poquette -- Public Ethics Commission |
CR131-2013 |
Appointment -- Preston -- Cemetery Preservation Advisory Board |
CR132-2013 |
Appointment -- Siddiqi -- Environmental Sustainability Board |
CR133-2013 |
Reappointment -- Taylor -- Howard County Design Advisory Panel |
CR134-2013 |
Reappointment -- White -- Howard County Design Advisory Panel |
CR135-2013 |
Appointment -- Price -- Compensation Review Commission |
CR136-2013 |
Sustainable Community - Southeast Area designation. |
CR137-2013 |
Board of Education’s Capital Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2015 and Capital Improvement Program Request for Fiscal Years 2016-2020 |
CR138-2013 |
Howard County Retirement Plan and the Police and Fire Employee’s Retirement Plan - Pension Oversight Commission |
CB42-2013 |
Bond sale - authorization |
CB43-2013 |
Annual moderate income housing unit analysis report |
CB44-2013 |
Zoning regulations - allowing farm breweries as an accessory use |
CB45-2013 |
Howard County Employees Retirement Plan - participant contribution percentage and retirement benefit multiplier |
CB46-2013 |
collective bargaining agreement - International Association of Firefighters – Howard County Local 2000 |
CB47-2013 |
Amending LOSAP -- Length of Service Award Program for volunteer firefighting/EMS personnel |
CB48-2013 |
Amendments to the Pay Plan for Howard County |
CB49-2013 |
Installment Purchase Agreement - Agricultural Land - Pfefferkorn |
CB50-2013 |
Installment Purchase Agreement - 54.6 acres - Pfefferkorn Road |
CB51-2013 |
Installment Purchase Agreement - 78.9 acres - Pfefferkorn Road |
SAO1-FY2014 |
$67,861 grant funding for the BRAC Regional Family Support Coordinator Grant |