• Summary
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  • Session Title: Legislative Session
  • Session Type: Legislative Session
  • Session Description: Legislative Session - January
  • Session Date: 01/06/2020 07:00 PM
  • Session Location: George Howard Building
  • Registration Start: 12/23/2019 12:00:00 AM
  • Registration End: 12/23/2019 12:00:00 AM
Legislation Number Legislation Title
CR89-2019 AN ACT declaring that a portion of Old Maryland Route 108, containing approximately 1.087 acres, is no longer needed for a public purpose and authorizing the County Executive to waive the advertising and bidding requirements of Section 4.201 of the Howard County Code in order to convey the County’s property interest to the developer of the adjacent property, Dorsey Overlook, LLLP.
CR98-2019 A RESOLUTION adopting the Housing Unit Allocation Chart for Fiscal Year 2020 pursuant to the Adequate Public Facilities Act of Howard County.
CR143-2019 A RESOLUTION approving the 2019 Interim Amendment to the Howard County Master Plan for Water and Sewerage, consisting of text, tables, and maps incorporating various revisions based on and including: 1. Changes to capital projects related to the capital budget, the ten-year capital improvement program, or completed engineering studies; 2. The entry of properties into the County’s Metropolitan District; 3. Changes in service area priorities for individual property parcels, subdivisions and de
CB58-2019 AN ACT amending the Classification Plan for Howard County to add a description for the position of Office of Emergency Management Administrator; and generally relating to amendments to the Howard County Classification Plan.
CB59-2019 AN ACT amending the Pay Plan for Howard County to add certain positions into the list of Executive Exempt positions; and generally relating to the Pay Plan for Howard County.
CB60-2019 AN ACT specifying the appointing authority for the Administrator of the Office of Emergency Management; and generally relating to executive exempt provisions in the Howard County Code.
TAO1-FY2020 AN ACT transferring a total of $1,563,000 from various capital projects to capital project E1044, Systemic Renovations, in the Board of Education capital budget for Fiscal Year 2020.
CR1-2020 A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Xi Steven Chen to the Alcoholic Beverage Hearing Board.
CR2-2020 A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Naysha Conway to the Commission for Transitioning Students with Disabilities.
CR3-2020 A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Margaret Dean to the Board of Directors of the Economic Development Authority.
CR4-2020 A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Co-Tu Doan to the Howard County Local Children’s Board.
CR5-2020 A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Nafrettifi D. Griffin, to the Howard County Commission for Veterans and Military Families.
CR6-2020 A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Josh Hirsh to the Commission on Disabilities.
CR7-2020 A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Monica Simon to the Multimodal Transportation Board.
CR8-2020 A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Alice S. Giles to the Multimodal Transportation Board.
CR9-2020 A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Leslie B. Kornreich to the Commission on Disabilities.
CR10-2020 A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Stanley Levi to the Board of Social Services.
CR11-2020 A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Marilyn Weeks to the Plumbing Advisory Board.
CR12-2020 A RESOLUTION pursuant to Section 4.201 of the Howard County Code declaring that a portion of land containing 1.56 acres owned by Howard County, Maryland is no longer needed by the County for public purposes; authorizing the County Executive to convey, at no cost, fee simple title to the Property to the State of Maryland; waiving the advertising and bidding requirements of Section 4.201 of the Howard County Code; and providing that the County Executive is not bound to convey the Property if he f
CR13-2020 A RESOLUTION designating the area surrounding and including the Dorsey MARC Station as a Transit-oriented Development in accordance with the Governor’s Executive Order 01.01.2009.12 and State law.
CR14-2020 A RESOLUTION adopting WalkHoward, the Howard County Pedestrian Master Plan and authorizing the Office of Transportation to publish WalkHoward.
CB1-2020 AN ACT altering the number of consecutive years a project or phase of a project must be retested if a project fails one or more components of the school capacity test of the Adequate Public Facilities Act of Howard County.
CB2-2020 AN ACT for the purpose of authorizing and empowering Howard County, Maryland to borrow money in an aggregate principal amount of up to $1,563,000 on its full faith and credit, and issue and sell its bonds therefor, to be used to pay costs of a capital project, more particularly described in the County’s Fiscal Year 2020 Capital Budget, and to pay costs of issuance of such bonds; authorizing the County to issue bond and grant anticipation notes or to enter into installment purchase agreements for
CB3-2020 AN ACT permitting a publicly accessible electric scooter sharing system for short-term electric scooter trips on certain County rights-of way; requiring certain information in support of an application for a permit; requiring permit fees as part of the permit; and generally related to electric scooters on public rights-of-way in Howard County.
CB4-2020 AN ACT pursuant to Section 612 of the Howard County Charter, approving the Lease Agreement between Howard County, Maryland and Micros Systems, Inc. a wholly owned subsidiary of Oracle America, Inc., a Delaware corporation for approximately 32,028 square feet of space at 7031 Columbia Gateway Drive; authorizing the County Executive to enter into the Agreement and to make changes to the Agreement before executing it, under certain conditions; and generally relating to a multi-year lease of certain
CB5-2020 AN ACT pursuant to Section 612 of the Howard County Charter, approving an Eighth Amendment and Renewal of Lease between Howard County, Maryland and Symphony Woods, LLC, for the lease of approximately 1,653 square feet of space located at 5950 Symphony Woods Drive, Columbia, Maryland; authorizing the County Executive to make changes to the Amendment, under certain conditions; authorizing the County Executive to execute the Amendment; and generally relating to the Amendment.

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