CR93-2020 |
A RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Howard County Charter by amending Section 202 “The County Council” by altering certain dates for the Council to appoint a Councilmanic Redistricting Commission and for the Commission to prepare a plan of Councilmanic Districts and present the plan to the Council; altering a date, if by which, no ordinance re-establishing the boundaries of the Councilmanic Districts has been enacted, the plan submitted by the Commission becomes law; and submitting this amendmen |
CR94-2020 |
A RESOLUTION proposing to amend County Charter Section 202 to alter the method for appointing members of a Councilmanic Redistricting Commission; and submitting this amendment to the voters of Howard County for their adoption or rejection in accordance with Article X of the Howard County Charter and Article XI-A of the Maryland Constitution. |
CR95-2020 |
A RESOLUTION proposing to amend Howard County Charter Section 202 “The County Council”, Section 208 “Sessions of the County Council; quorum; rules of procedure”, Section 1201 “Nature of the Article”, and Section 1202 “Establishment of District boundaries for Councilmanic Districts” by changing the term “Councilmanic” to “Council”; and submitting this amendment to the voters of Howard County for their adoption or rejection in accordance with Article X of the Howard County Charter and Article XI-A |
CR96-2020 |
A RESOLUTION proposing to amend County Charter Section 209 to alter the minimum time between introduction of a bill and the public hearing on the bill; and submitting this amendment to the voters of Howard County for their adoption or rejection in accordance with Article X of the Howard County Charter and Article XI-A of the Maryland Constitution. |
CR97-2020 |
A RESOLUTION proposing to amend County Charter Section 212 “County Auditor” by requiring the County Auditor to accompany the County Executive and the Council Chair on all discussions with officials of credit rating agencies; and submitting this amendment to the voters of Howard County for their adoption or rejection in accordance with Article X of the Howard County Charter and Article XI-A of the Maryland Constitution. |
CR98-2020 |
A RESOLUTION proposing to amend County Charter Section 302 “The County Executive” to provide that certain appointments are subject to confirmation by the County Council; and submitting this amendment to the voters of Howard County for their adoption or rejection in accordance with Article X of the Howard County Charter and Article XI-A of the Maryland Constitution.
CR99-2020 |
A RESOLUTION proposing to amend County Charter Section 404 “Citizen Boards” by reducing from five years to three years the number of overlapping terms a Howard County resident may serve on a citizen board, or until a successor is confirmed; and submitting this amendment to the voters of Howard County for their adoption or rejection in accordance with Article X of the Howard County Charter and Article XI-A of the Maryland Constitution. |
CR100-2020 |
A RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Howard County Charter by amending Section 603 “Submission and contents of the County budget” by altering certain dates for the County Executive to submit to the Council the proposed current expense budget, the operating expense program for certain fiscal years, parts of the budget message, the proposed capital budget, and the capital program for certain fiscal years; altering the contents of the current expense budget and the capital budget and capital program |
CR101-2020 |
A RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Howard County Charter by amending Section 606 “Action on the annual budget and appropriation ordinance by the County Council” to allow the County Council to appropriate funds to capital projects or departments; and submitting this amendment to the voters of Howard County for their adoption or rejection in accordance with Article X of the Howard County Charter and Article XI-A of the Maryland Constitution. |
CR102-2020 |
A RESOLUTION proposing to add County Charter Section 619 to require fiscal analyses for specified ordinances and resolutions; and submitting this amendment to the voters of Howard County for their adoption or rejection in accordance with Article X of the Howard County Charter and Article XI-A of the Maryland Constitution. |
CR104-2020 |
A RESOLUTION proposing to amend Section 709 of the Howard County Charter to prohibit specified kinds of discrimination with respect to certain personnel actions in the County Merit System; and submitting this amendment to the voters of Howard County for their adoption or rejection in accordance with Article X of the Howard County Charter and Article XI-A of the Maryland Constitution.