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  • Session Title: Legislative Session - July
  • Session Type: Legislative Session
  • Session Description: Legislative Session - July
  • Session Date: 07/06/2020 07:00 PM
  • Session Location: Off-Site Location
  • Registration Start: 6/29/2020 12:00:00 AM
  • Registration End: 6/29/2020 12:00:00 AM
Legislation Number Legislation Title
CR89-2019 AN ACT declaring that a portion of Old Maryland Route 108, containing approximately 1.087 acres, is no longer needed for a public purpose and authorizing the County Executive to waive the advertising and bidding requirements of Section 4.201 of the Howard County Code in order to convey the County’s property interest to the developer of the adjacent property, Dorsey Overlook, LLLP.
CR98-2019 A RESOLUTION adopting the Housing Unit Allocation Chart for Fiscal Year 2020 pursuant to the Adequate Public Facilities Act of Howard County.
CR35-2020 A RESOLUTION amending the Reimbursement rates applicable to one-time reimbursements for an investment in an on-site stormwater best management practice that reduces the impact on the public stormwater management system; providing that certain previously adopted rates shall remain in effect; and generally relating to schedules of rates adopted as part of the Watershed Protection and Restoration Fee.
CR36-2020 A RESOLUTION amending the purchase price formula used to determine the price that Howard County pays when purchasing development rights under the Agricultural Land Preservation Program; and specifying that the purchase price formula shall be effective upon passage of the Resolution and shall remain in effect until changed or repealed by Resolution of the County Council.
CR87-2020 A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Jonathan Di Pietro to the Human Rights Commission.
CR88-2020 A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Gabriel Terrasa to the Human Rights Commission.
CR89-2020 A RESOLUTION adopting HoCo By Design General Plan Guidelines: A Strategic Framework, promulgated by the Planning Board, to be used by the Department of Planning and Zoning in the preparation and revision of the General Plan.
CR90-2020 A RESOLUTION adopting the Housing Unit Allocation Chart for Fiscal Year 2021 pursuant to the Adequate Public Facilities Act of Howard County.
CR91-2020 A RESOLUTION adopting the School Capacity Chart, pursuant to the Adequate Public Facilities Act of Howard County, to designate the elementary school regions, elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools constrained for new residential development during each of the following years as based on the definition of program capacity as defined by Howard County Public School System policy.
CR92-2020 A RESOLUTION endorsing the provision of financing by the State Department of Commerce for an economic development project in Howard County and certifying that the project is consistent with the County’s goals for economic development.
CR93-2020 A RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Howard County Charter by amending Section 202 “The County Council” by altering certain dates for the Council to appoint a Councilmanic Redistricting Commission and for the Commission to prepare a plan of Councilmanic Districts and present the plan to the Council; altering a date, if by which, no ordinance re-establishing the boundaries of the Councilmanic Districts has been enacted, the plan submitted by the Commission becomes law; and submitting this amendmen
CR94-2020 A RESOLUTION proposing to amend County Charter Section 202 to alter the method for appointing members of a Councilmanic Redistricting Commission; and submitting this amendment to the voters of Howard County for their adoption or rejection in accordance with Article X of the Howard County Charter and Article XI-A of the Maryland Constitution.
CR95-2020 A RESOLUTION proposing to amend Howard County Charter Section 202 “The County Council”, Section 208 “Sessions of the County Council; quorum; rules of procedure”, Section 1201 “Nature of the Article”, and Section 1202 “Establishment of District boundaries for Councilmanic Districts” by changing the term “Councilmanic” to “Council”; and submitting this amendment to the voters of Howard County for their adoption or rejection in accordance with Article X of the Howard County Charter and Article XI-A
CR96-2020 A RESOLUTION proposing to amend County Charter Section 209 to alter the minimum time between introduction of a bill and the public hearing on the bill; and submitting this amendment to the voters of Howard County for their adoption or rejection in accordance with Article X of the Howard County Charter and Article XI-A of the Maryland Constitution.
CR97-2020 A RESOLUTION proposing to amend County Charter Section 212 “County Auditor” by requiring the County Auditor to accompany the County Executive and the Council Chair on all discussions with officials of credit rating agencies; and submitting this amendment to the voters of Howard County for their adoption or rejection in accordance with Article X of the Howard County Charter and Article XI-A of the Maryland Constitution.
CR98-2020 A RESOLUTION proposing to amend County Charter Section 302 “The County Executive” to provide that certain appointments are subject to confirmation by the County Council; and submitting this amendment to the voters of Howard County for their adoption or rejection in accordance with Article X of the Howard County Charter and Article XI-A of the Maryland Constitution.
CR99-2020 A RESOLUTION proposing to amend County Charter Section 404 “Citizen Boards” by reducing from five years to three years the number of overlapping terms a Howard County resident may serve on a citizen board, or until a successor is confirmed; and submitting this amendment to the voters of Howard County for their adoption or rejection in accordance with Article X of the Howard County Charter and Article XI-A of the Maryland Constitution.
CR100-2020 A RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Howard County Charter by amending Section 603 “Submission and contents of the County budget” by altering certain dates for the County Executive to submit to the Council the proposed current expense budget, the operating expense program for certain fiscal years, parts of the budget message, the proposed capital budget, and the capital program for certain fiscal years; altering the contents of the current expense budget and the capital budget and capital program
CR101-2020 A RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Howard County Charter by amending Section 606 “Action on the annual budget and appropriation ordinance by the County Council” to allow the County Council to appropriate funds to capital projects or departments; and submitting this amendment to the voters of Howard County for their adoption or rejection in accordance with Article X of the Howard County Charter and Article XI-A of the Maryland Constitution.
CR102-2020 A RESOLUTION proposing to add County Charter Section 619 to require fiscal analyses for specified ordinances and resolutions; and submitting this amendment to the voters of Howard County for their adoption or rejection in accordance with Article X of the Howard County Charter and Article XI-A of the Maryland Constitution.
CR103-2020 A RESOLUTION proposing to add County Charter Section 619 to provide that certain property tax rate increases may only be made with the approval of the voters; and submitting this amendment to the voters of Howard County for their adoption or rejection in accordance with Article X of the Howard County Charter and Article XI-A of the Maryland Constitution.
CR104-2020 A RESOLUTION proposing to amend Section 709 of the Howard County Charter to prohibit specified kinds of discrimination with respect to certain personnel actions in the County Merit System; and submitting this amendment to the voters of Howard County for their adoption or rejection in accordance with Article X of the Howard County Charter and Article XI-A of the Maryland Constitution.
CR105-2020 A RESOLUTION amending the minimum square footage for Conservation Landscaping Reimbursement; and generally relating to schedules of rates adopted as part of the Watershed Protection and Restoration Fee.
CR106-2020 A RESOLUTION amending the Howard County Board of Education Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2021, as adopted by Council Resolution No. 63-2020, in order to: (1) increase the general fund budget of the BOE by $7,751,999, based on a net increase of $7,502,000 in other funding sources primarily through the use of unbudgeted $8,000,000 in school fund balance and other revenue changes, an estimated additional $250,000 in federal funding, and a decrease of $1 in anticipated state funding; (2) make cat
CR107-2020 A RESOLUTION authorizing the execution of a First Amendment to a Development Rights and Responsibilities Agreement by and between Camilla Carroll and Philip D. Carroll and Howard County, Maryland in accordance Title 16, Subtitle 17 of the Howard County Code.
CR108-2020 A RESOLUTION pursuant to Section 4.201 of the Howard County Code declaring that portions of a Water, Sewer and Utility Easement, containing 20,918 square feet, and of a Right of Way Easement, containing 7,502 square feet, conveyed to Howard County, Maryland are no longer needed by the County for public purposes; authorizing the County Executive to terminate the easement interests in the property of the fee simple owner, The Normandy Venture Limited Partnership; waiving the advertising and biddi
CR109-2020 A RESOLUTION pursuant to Section 4.201 of the Howard County Code declaring that property containing 2.447 acres, owned by Howard County, Maryland is no longer needed by the County for public purposes; authorizing the County Executive to convey, at no cost, fee simple title to the property to the State of Maryland; waiving the advertising and bidding requirements of Section 4.201 of the Howard County Code; and providing that the County Executive is not bound to convey the property if he finds tha
CB11-2020 AN ACT to require certain projects to document that the project meets specified bird-friendly design standards; providing for a delay in enforcement of this Act; and generally relating to environmental design.
CB13-2020 AN ACT amending the Howard County Code to establish a Notice and a Requirement to provide an offer to the County and Housing Commission to Purchase Rental Housing offered for sale in the County; and generally relating to the sale of Rental Housing.
CB37-2020 AN ACT specifying the status of the public right of way in relation to a Publicly Accessible Electric Scooter Sharing System ; providing for denial, suspension, or revocation of a Publicly Accessible Electric Scooter Sharing System Permit under specified circumstances; providing for a hearing before final action; and generally relating to electric scooters on public rights-of-way in Howard County.
CB38-2020 AN ACT establishing a personal property tax exemption on the personal property of a Qualified Data Center; defining certain terms; providing for certain amounts of property tax exemptions under certain conditions; requiring a certain report; providing for an application procedure; and generally relating to personal property tax exemptions.
CB39-2020 AN ACT pursuant to Section 612 of the Howard County Charter, approving a Multi-Year Tax-Exempt Lease/Purchase Agreement for financing the acquisition and installation of 7,258 LED streetlight fixtures; authorizing the Executive to make changes to the Agreement, under certain conditions; authorizing the County Executive to execute the Agreement; and generally relating to the Agreement.
CB40-2020 AN ACT amending the Pay Plan for Howard County in accordance with a certain recently negotiated collective bargaining agreement; providing for certain specialty pays; providing for the application of certain pay schedules; and generally relating to the Pay Plan for Howard County.
CB41-2020 AN ACT pursuant to Section 1.111(e) of the Howard County Code, approving provisions in a collective bargaining agreement between Howard County and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Howard County Local 3085, Council 67, AFL-CIO that are in conflict with the provisions of Title 1 “Human Resources” of the Howard County Code or the Employee Manual; approving a multi-year collective bargaining agreement between Howard County and the American Federation of State, County
CB42-2020 AN ACT limiting the entities that are authorized to petition the County Council for an amendment, repeal, or change to the text of the zoning regulations; and generally relating to zoning in Howard County.
SAO1-FY2021 AN ACT transferring $3,660,000 from the General Fund, Contingency Reserve to the Department of Housing and Community Development to restore funding that was moved to the Contingency Fund so that programs and services to low- and moderate-income residents provided by the Department of Housing and Community Development may be continued in Fiscal Year 2021.

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