• Summary
  • Associated Legislation
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  • Session Title: Legislative Work Session
  • Session Type: Legislative Work Session
  • Session Description: Legislative Work Session
  • Session Date: 07/13/2020 02:30 PM
  • Session Location: Off-Site Location
  • Registration Start: 7/20/2020 12:00:00 AM
  • Registration End: 7/20/2020 12:00:00 AM
Legislation Number Legislation Title
CR93-2020 A RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Howard County Charter by amending Section 202 “The County Council” by altering certain dates for the Council to appoint a Councilmanic Redistricting Commission and for the Commission to prepare a plan of Councilmanic Districts and present the plan to the Council; altering a date, if by which, no ordinance re-establishing the boundaries of the Councilmanic Districts has been enacted, the plan submitted by the Commission becomes law; and submitting this amendmen
CR94-2020 A RESOLUTION proposing to amend County Charter Section 202 to alter the method for appointing members of a Councilmanic Redistricting Commission; and submitting this amendment to the voters of Howard County for their adoption or rejection in accordance with Article X of the Howard County Charter and Article XI-A of the Maryland Constitution.

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