• Summary
  • Associated Legislation
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  • Session Title: Legislative Public Hearing
  • Session Type: Legislative Public Hearing
  • Session Description: Legislative Public Hearing - April
  • Session Date: 04/19/2021 07:00 PM
  • Session Location: Virtual
  • Registration Start: 4/6/2021 9:00:00 AM
  • Registration End: 4/18/2021 7:00:00 PM
Legislation Number Legislation Title
CR44-2021 A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Herman L. Charity to the Recreation and Parks Board.
CR45-2021 A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Phillip Dodge to the Multimodal Transportation Board.
CR46-2021 A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Frances F. LoPresti to the Howard County Animal Matters Hearing Board.
CR47-2021 A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Reginald T. Avery to the Commission on Aging.
CR48-2021 A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Patricia Branch to the Advisory Board on Consumer Protection.
CR49-2021 A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of David Drasin to the Multimodal Transportation Board.
CR50-2021 A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Eric Shatzer to the Board of Electrical Examiners.
CR51-2021 A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Young Ran Smith to the Advisory Board on Consumer Protection.
CR52-2021 A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Sue Song to the Commission on Aging.
CR53-2021 A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of William Stone to the Board of Directors of the Economic Development Authority.
CR54-2021 A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Alan Whitworth to the Public Works Board.
CR55-2021 A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of David Zinner to the Multimodal Transportation Board.
CR56-2021 A RESOLUTION amending the Howard County Board of Education Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2021, as adopted by Council Resolution No. 63-2020 and amended by Council Resolution No. 106-2020, in order to increase the Grants fund appropriation by $22,273,259 so the Board of Education may receive additional federal, state and private grants; and generally relating to the Board of Education Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2021.
CR57-2021 A RESOLUTION adopting Howard County’s Annual Action Plan for housing and community services to qualify for the receipt of federal Community Development Block Grant and Home Investment Partnership Program funds.
CR58-2021 A RESOLUTION endorsing and authorizing the Howard County Executive to file an application with the Maryland Transit Administration of the Maryland Department of Transportation for grants under the Federal Transit Act and certain State transportation grants; indicating certain endorsement by the County Executive; and requiring certain copies be sent to the Maryland Department of Transportation.
CR59-2021 A RESOLUTION amending the rules that implement the Settlement Downpayment Loan Program established under Title 13, Subtitle 9 of the Howard County Code; to update and add certain definitions; to remove language related to lending pools and participating lenders; to add a method of calculation to determine self-employment; to update minimum down payment requirements and qualification for certain loan types; to update loan subordination requirements; and generally relating to the Settlement Down
CB25-2021 AN ACT transferring $500,000 from the General Fund, Contingency Reserve and $1,175,000 from the Department of Police to the Department of Public Works for unanticipated expenses related to snow removal.
CB26-2021 AN ACT approving and providing for a multi-year Installment Purchase Agreement by Howard County, Maryland to acquire development rights in approximately 30 acres of agricultural land located on the west side of Driver Road in Marriottsville, Howard County, Maryland, from Larry and Peggy Jo Sowell or any other owner thereof for a maximum purchase price of $786,000 or, if less, not more than $26,200 per acre or portion thereof, rounded to the next highest $100, plus interest on the deferred por
CB27-2021 AN ACT amending the Howard County Retirement Plan in order to create an enhanced normal retirement benefit for Deputy Sheriffs hired on or after July 1, 2021, adding and amending certain definitions; increasing the amount of employee pick up contributions to be made by participating Deputy Sheriffs, changing the normal retirement age for participating Deputy Sheriffs and generally relating to the Howard County Retirement Plan.

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