CR169-2012 |
Bullying, harassment, and intimidation among students - Requesting the General Assembly to fund multidisciplinary teams |
CR170-2012 |
Adequate Public Facilities Act - Housing Unit Allocation Chart |
CR171-2012 |
Adequate Public Facilities Act- Open/Closed Chart |
CR178-2012 |
Surplusing .436 acres of real property (Lots 9 and 36, Parcel 425, Tax Map 50) in North Laurel |
CR179-2012 |
Surplusing development rights on 68.1924 acres at 6555 Belmont Woods Road, Elkridge but keeping a preservation easement on the property |
CR181-2012 |
Approving State financing for a Neighborhood Conservation Initiative Project |
CB36-2012 |
Zoning regulations - creating Community Enhancement Floating District |
CB41-2012 |
Adequate public facilities - amending the allocation categories used in the Housing Unit Allocation Chart |