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  • Session Title: Legislative Session - April
  • Session Type: Legislative Session
  • Session Description: Legislative Session - April
  • Session Date: 04/01/2024 07:00 PM
  • Session Location: George Howard Building
  • Registration Start: 3/20/2024 12:00:00 AM
  • Registration End: 3/20/2024 12:00:00 AM
Legislation Number Legislation Title
CR23-2024 A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Hannah Eunji Chang to the Commission for Women.
CR24-2024 A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Kristen Mahoney to the Commission for Women.
CR25-2024 A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Ted L. Meyerson to the Advisory Board on Consumer Protection.
CR26-2024 A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Shannon B. Taitt to the Commission for Women.
CR27-2024 A RESOLUTION appointing Robbyn Harris to the Board of Appeals of Howard County, Maryland, to fill a term ending on December 31, 2028.
CR28-2024 A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Lynda Earle to the Human Rights Commission.
CR29-2024 A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Pedro Ramirez to the Public Works Board.
CR30-2024 A RESOLUTION amending the Howard County Health Department Operating Budget, as adopted by Council Resolution No. 70-2023, to account for additional funding received from the State of Maryland; and generally relating to the Health Department Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2024.
CR31-2024 A RESOLUTION authorizing the sale of certain microwave network equipment owned by Howard County to the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems upon such terms and conditions as the County Purchasing Agent deems proper.
CR32-2024 A RESOLUTION pursuant to the Howard County Cable Televisions Systems Franchise Act, granting the renewal of a cable franchise agreement to Comcast of Howard County, LLC under certain terms and conditions.
CR33-2024 A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Herman L. Charity to the Recreation and Parks Board.
CR34-2024 A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Teresa Garcia to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission.
CR35-2024 A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Christine “Tina” Horn to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission.
CR36-2024 A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Dr. Abbie Diane Martin to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission.
CR37-2024 A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Kurt Woodrick Wall to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission.
CR38-2024 A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Kui Zhao, AICP, to the Asian American and Pacific Islander Commission.
CR39-2024 A RESOLUTION adopting Howard County’s Annual Action Plan for housing and community services to qualify for the receipt of federal Community Development Block Grant and Home Investment Partnership Program funds.
CR40-2024 A RESOLUTION endorsing and authorizing the Howard County Executive to file an application with the Maryland Transit Administration of the Maryland Department of Transportation for grants under the Federal Transit Act and certain State transportation grants; indicating certain endorsement by the County Executive; and requiring certain copies be sent to the Maryland Department of Transportation.
CR41-2024 A RESOLUTION pursuant to Section 4.201 of the Howard County Code declaring that public tree maintenance easements containing approximately 0.1595 acres are no longer needed by the County for public purposes; authorizing the County Executive to terminate the easement and convey the property interest to the fee simple owner, Baltimore Gas and Electric Company; waiving the advertising and bidding requirements of Section 4.201 of the Howard County Code in order to convey the property to Baltimore Ga
CB10-2024 AN ACT amending the Howard County Retirement Plan in order to create an enhanced normal retirement benefit for Dispatchers, adding and amending certain definitions; increasing the amount of employee pick up contributions to be made by participating Dispatchers, changing the normal retirement age for participating Dispatchers and generally relating to the Howard County Retirement Plan. expires – 05/13/2024; extended – 06/17/2024; extended twice – 07/22/2024
CB11-2024 AN ACT adopting the 2023 National Electrical Code as the Electrical Code for Howard County; regulating the design, construction, alteration, improvement or modification to electrical equipment; adopting certain local amendments to the Electrical Code; making certain technical corrections; and generally relating to the electrical code in Howard County. expires – 05/13/2024; extended – 06/17/2024; extended twice – 07/22/2024
CB12-2024 AN ACT amending the membership of the Local Children’s Board to add certain ex officio members and to amend the total number of members accordingly; and generally relating to the Local Children’s Board. expires – 05/13/2024; extended – 06/17/2024; extended twice – 07/22/2024
CB13-2024 AN ACT establishing the Trap-Neuter-Return program for community cats, specifying the purpose and administration of the program, defining certain terms; and generally relating to the Trap-Neuter-Return program. expires – 05/13/2024; extended – 06/17/2024; extended twice – 07/22/2024
CB14-2024 AN ACT amending the Howard County Zoning Regulations to amend the Flex space land use classification of the Planned Office Research (POR) zoning district by defining the light manufacturing uses permitted as a matter of right to include “Contractor’s Office and Outdoor or Indoor Storage Facility, Self-Storage Facilities, Warehouses, Moving and Storage Establishments and Light Industrial Uses”; removing the restriction to limit the light manufacturing uses to those uses permitted in the PEC Distr
CB15-2024 AN ACT amending the Howard County Pay Plan; providing the pay scale for the County Auditor; and generally relating to the Howard County Pay Plan.
CB16-2024 AN ACT amending the Howard County Zoning Regulations to change Section 128.0.A.12 to allow additional square footage for detached accessory structures on residentially zoned lots in the RC and RR zoning districts for both individual structures and cumulatively by allowing an additional 500 square feet for properties greater than 3 acres with larger properties having more allowance for detached accessory structures; and generally relating to lot coverage in the RC and RR zoning district.

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