
  • Legislation Text
  • Amendments
  • Details
  • Dates
  • Motions/Votes
  • Related Documents

Legislation Text

Document Name Version
CR49-2015 As Introduced
CR49-2015 Final


There were no amendments found for the current legislation item.

  • Primary Sponsor(s): The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
  • Legislation Category: Appointments
  • Legislation Status: Failed


Date Session Action
7/31/2015 Legislative Session Removed from Table, Failed
7/6/2015 Legislative Session Tabled
6/15/2015 Legislative Public Hearing
6/1/2015 Legislative Session Introduced



To view the votes associated with the motion and/or amendment, please click the arrow on the left side next to the motion and/or amendment that you wish to view voting information for


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HC Times-Columbia Flier Article 6-16-15
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