• Summary
  • Associated Legislation
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  • Session Title: Legislative Work Session
  • Session Type: Legislative Work Session
  • Session Description: Legislative Work Session - November
  • Session Date: 11/22/2019 10:00 AM
  • Session Location: George Howard Building
  • Registration Start: 11/20/2019 12:00:00 AM
  • Registration End: 11/20/2019 12:00:00 AM
Legislation Number Legislation Title
CR142-2019 A RESOLUTION increasing Forest Conservation fees-in-lieu.
CB61-2019 AN ACT amending the criteria for granting waivers from the requirements of the Howard County Subdivision and Land Development Regulations; requiring survey bearings and distances on plans to delineate wetlands and required wetland and stream buffers; prohibiting the impact on certain steep slopes established by the prior development of the property; requiring that the Office of Community Sustainability and the Department of Public Works review certain requests for necessary disturbances; establi
CB62-2019 AN ACT repealing and reenacting the Forest Conservation Act of Howard County; providing the purpose of the Act; defining certain terms to be used throughout the Act; requiring a Forest Conservation Plan for any person, or unit of local government, developing land 40,000 square feet or greater, subject to certain exceptions; requiring a Declaration of Intent for certain exemptions; setting forth the requirements of a Forest Conservation Plan; providing for the review process of a Forest Conservat
CB63-2019 AN ACT amending the Howard County Code by altering the requirements for a certain buffer between a road and a new major subdivision that is located along a Scenic Road; altering a certain approval process for a major subdivision that abuts or adjoins a scenic road; and generally relating to Scenic Roads.

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