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  • Session Title: Legislative Session - December
  • Session Type: Legislative Session
  • Session Description: Legislative Session - December
  • Session Date: 12/02/2019 07:00 PM
  • Session Location: George Howard Building
  • Registration Start: 11/26/2019 12:00:00 AM
  • Registration End: 11/26/2019 12:00:00 AM
Legislation Number Legislation Title
CR89-2019 AN ACT declaring that a portion of Old Maryland Route 108, containing approximately 1.087 acres, is no longer needed for a public purpose and authorizing the County Executive to waive the advertising and bidding requirements of Section 4.201 of the Howard County Code in order to convey the County’s property interest to the developer of the adjacent property, Dorsey Overlook, LLLP.
CR98-2019 A RESOLUTION adopting the Housing Unit Allocation Chart for Fiscal Year 2020 pursuant to the Adequate Public Facilities Act of Howard County.
CR135-2019 A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Charles L. Fuller to the Public Ethics Commission.
CR136-2019 A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Brook Hubbard to the Local Behavioral Health Advisory Board.
CR137-2019 A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Kelly Kesler to the Howard County Commission for Veterans and Military Families.
CR138-2019 A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Keith McGuire to the Howard County Commission for Veterans and Military Families.
CR139-2019 A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Paul Rivers to the Howard County Commission for Veterans and Military Families.
CR140-2019 A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Michael Griggs to the Howard County Commission for Veterans and Military Families.
CR141-2019 A RESOLUTION appointing Gene Thomas Ryan to the Board of Appeals of Howard County, Maryland, to fill a term ending on December 31, 2025.
CR142-2019 A RESOLUTION increasing Forest Conservation fees-in-lieu.
CR143-2019 A RESOLUTION approving the 2019 Interim Amendment to the Howard County Master Plan for Water and Sewerage, consisting of text, tables, and maps incorporating various revisions based on and including: 1. Changes to capital projects related to the capital budget, the ten-year capital improvement program, or completed engineering studies; 2. The entry of properties into the County’s Metropolitan District; 3. Changes in service area priorities for individual property parcels, subdivisions and de
CR144-2019 A RESOLUTION pursuant to Section 4.201 of the Howard County Code declaring that portions of parcels of land owned by Howard County totaling approximately 2.63 acres are no longer needed by the County for public purposes; authorizing the County Executive to convey fee simple title to such portions of the parcels to the adjacent property owner, the State of Maryland as part of the widening of Maryland Route 32 from Linden Church Road to Interstate-70; waiving the advertising and bidding requiremen
CR145-2019 A RESOLUTION pursuant to Sections 16.301 of the Howard County Code, granting variances for government uses from the use setbacks and height requirements for the 13th high school and ancillary roads, parking, sports fields, fences, and bleachers to be constructed on Property located along Mission Road in Jessup, Howard County, Maryland.
CB56-2019 AN ACT pursuant to Section 612 of the Howard County Charter, approving a Third Amendment for the lease of space; and authorizing the County Executive to take certain actions in connection with the Agreement.
CB57-2019 AN ACT amending the definition tobacco product to be consistent with State law; related to the distribution of tobacco products, prohibiting the distribution of tobacco products, including electronic smoking devices, to individuals under the age of 21 years; amending the enforcement provisions for unlawful distribution of tobacco products to an individual under the age of 21 years; providing for certain exceptions for individuals in the active military in accordance with State law; amending what
CB58-2019 AN ACT amending the Classification Plan for Howard County to add a description for the position of Office of Emergency Management Administrator; and generally relating to amendments to the Howard County Classification Plan.
CB59-2019 AN ACT amending the Pay Plan for Howard County to add certain positions into the list of Executive Exempt positions; and generally relating to the Pay Plan for Howard County.
CB60-2019 AN ACT specifying the appointing authority for the Administrator of the Office of Emergency Management; and generally relating to executive exempt provisions in the Howard County Code.
CB61-2019 AN ACT amending the criteria for granting waivers from the requirements of the Howard County Subdivision and Land Development Regulations; requiring survey bearings and distances on plans to delineate wetlands and required wetland and stream buffers; prohibiting the impact on certain steep slopes established by the prior development of the property; requiring that the Office of Community Sustainability and the Department of Public Works review certain requests for necessary disturbances; establi
CB62-2019 AN ACT repealing and reenacting the Forest Conservation Act of Howard County; providing the purpose of the Act; defining certain terms to be used throughout the Act; requiring a Forest Conservation Plan for any person, or unit of local government, developing land 40,000 square feet or greater, subject to certain exceptions; requiring a Declaration of Intent for certain exemptions; setting forth the requirements of a Forest Conservation Plan; providing for the review process of a Forest Conservat
CB63-2019 AN ACT amending the Howard County Code by altering the requirements for a certain buffer between a road and a new major subdivision that is located along a Scenic Road; altering a certain approval process for a major subdivision that abuts or adjoins a scenic road; and generally relating to Scenic Roads.
CB64-2019 AN ACT to require a specified fee on certain disposable bags; providing for the collection of the fee and the administration of the subtitle; specifying the duties of certain stores; creating a Disposable Plastics Reduction Fund; providing for the administration and uses of the Fund; providing for penalties for certain violations; requiring certain studies and reports; and generally relating to disposable bags in the County.
CB65-2019 AN ACT amending the Howard County Zoning Regulations to authorize the hearing authority to reduce the setback for buildings and parking uses associated with Commercial Athletic Facilities to no less than 25 feet if the petition includes detailed plans for screening that presents an attractive and effective visual barrier for neighboring properties; and generally relating to Commercial Athletic Facilities Conditional Uses.
CB66-2019 AN ACT to legalize the 2019 Edition of the Howard County Code, as approved by Gary W. Kuc, County Solicitor, and published by Municipal Code Corporation; to provide for the Code's periodic supplement; and to declare that the Code shall be the evidence of the public local laws of Howard County; and to make technical, non-substantive corrections to the Code.

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