• Summary
  • Associated Legislation
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  • Session Title: Legislative Public Hearing
  • Session Type: Legislative Public Hearing
  • Session Description: Legislative Public Hearing
  • Session Date: 02/22/2022 07:00 PM
  • Session Location: George Howard Building
  • Registration Start: 2/8/2022 7:00:00 AM
  • Registration End: 2/22/2022 7:00:00 PM
Legislation Number Legislation Title
SAO3-FY2022 AN ACT transferring $6,560,000 from the General Fund, Contingency Reserve to the Department of Housing and Community Development in order to move priority affordable housing communities forward and to further affordable housing initiatives.
CR18-2022 A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Marian Vessels to the Recreation and Parks Board.
CR20-2022 A RESOLUTION reappointing Jean Xu to the Board of Appeals of Howard County, Maryland, to fill a term ending on December 31, 2026.
CR21-2022 A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Dr. Flavia Delmastro to the Howard County Animal Matters Hearing Board.
CR22-2022 A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Xi Steven Chen to the Alcoholic Beverage Hearing Board.
CB12-2022 AN ACT to amend who may delegate duties to the Human Resources Administrator; to clarify who the Chief Administrative Officer may delegate regarding the administration of the County’s risk management programs; and generally relating to functions of the Department of County Administration.
CB13-2022 AN ACT requiring the removal of certain public notification signs and posters relating to the Department of Planning and Zoning, Hearing Examiner, Board of Appeals, Zoning Board, and various boards and commissions, which are placed during the zoning and development review processes within a certain time period after the conclusion of the meeting or hearing; and establishing certain fees when the Department removes signs and posters; and generally relating to public notice of projects in the zon
CB14-2022 AN ACT to add requirements to a forest conservation plan; and generally relating to forest conservation in the County.
CB15-2022 AN ACT altering the appointment process for members of the Planning Board; altering the qualifications of the members of the Planning Board; and generally relating to planning and zoning.

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